
Friday, 23 August 2013

Shell Helmet

Hi Jammers! Today's new item is the Shell Helmet, which I think I remember seeing in Best Dressed once or twice.

Credit to the Animal Jam Times, by the way. I couldn't find the item. In other news, AJHQ made a post on the Daily Explorer about Jammer Snaps and synchronized swimming. I submitted a snap with my friends. What happens if you win? Will you get a plaque or maybe a special name tag? I'm non-member, so if I win, I will probably not get a special name tag. On a side note, does anyone have Beehives? I collect them, and so far I have 3, but I want more! I trade rares for them, btw.

FACT: If female ferrets don't find a mate during the mating season, they die.

Well, thats all for now. Bye! 


  1. I forgot about those shell helmets!

  2. That us so sad about the wittle fewwets!! Aww!! Nice blog by the way!

    Cheers, Sriha123

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